Tuesday, March 27

Long Overdue

Well, it's been some time since I've been back here. Not intentional mind you, just 很忙。 I've been promoted at work (yea!) after a month of semi-intense training. On top of that we've just been exceptionally busy (people leaving, people getting hired, lots of calls) which has left little time at work to study. Sounds crazy but I have been able to learn so much while there. In between calls and waiting on hold are great times for me. The last month or so they have been few and far between.

Thanks to the change in weather though I've been able to get out at lunch and walk the parking lot, listen to CPod and mumble to myself while sneaking glances to make sure no one heard me. Can you image what it must sound like to someone walking by to hear "you kong de shi hou" and "wo jue de"!

I'll have some news about class in a few weeks but nothing at the moment. We have had great classes the last two weeks though. The Saturday before last we had a visitor from China (who I hope to spend more time with soon) and this week a 美国人 who speaks exceptional (he took exception to the term fluent so I'll say exceptional) Chinese. He speaks a number of other languages too so I'm not too surprised, and he is currently learning Korean.

Enough for now. Past time for bed.

1 comment:

liulianxiaoyu said...

I like your posts although I did not post comments a lot. I just come by every now and then.:)
